.NET Dependency Injection's ServiceCollection Extension Methods

It is important when registering services to do the right thing. There’s six helper methods that will see typical use:

  • TryAddSingleton
  • TryAddScoped
  • TryAddTransient
  • AddSingleton
  • AddScoped
  • AddTransient

Is there only to be one implementation? Then you want a TryAdd* method. Most of the time, you’re only going to need a single implementation, but when you want a collection of services implementing the same interface, the Add* methods are there for you.

Now you need to choose between the available lifetimes:

  • Singleton - a single instance will exist for the lifetime of the app. This doesn’t mean that it initializes on registration, but that resolver will only generate one instance.
  • Scoped - an instance will be reused for the life of the scope - typically this will be the life of an HttpRequest.
  • Transient - every time the resolver will create a new instance. This is the simplest to implement due to the lack of state, but be careful.

.NET 8 adds keyed services, and there’s also some other useful utilities for quickly instantiating services at startup.


.NET Framework + Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

Say you’re a developer, and you’re stuck with a Frankenstein’s monster of a .NET Framework web application. No big deal, but you want to modernize a piece of it. You’re almost certainly want to involve Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection, the marvelous standard (modern) .NET Dependency Injection (DI) library. There’s good news: it targets .NET Standard 2.0, which means it is backwards compatible with .NET Framework. The bad news? You’re stuck manually wiring it up, because ASP.NET MVC 5 doesn’t do all the magic work that ASP.NET Core does for you.

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Hi Again!

Let’s try this again shall we? I’m currently working on an FSharp library to facilitate running/playing a The One Ring 2e campaign. I hope to talk about some of the lessons learned around Test Driven Development and Functional Programming with Types.

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Taking pictures of my daughter in bluebonnets, and she picks one and shoves it down her shirt. Priceless.

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